Ascension Church is currently in a pastoral transition! We are blessed to have Rev. Gregory Clagg as our Interim Pastor. He may be reached via email at [email protected] or via phone at 724-601-1414.


Johnathan Snatchko, Music Director
Johnathan Snatchko is a recent graduate of Duquesne University and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Piano Performance. He is an active Pianist and Collaborative Pianist in the greater Pittsburgh area and regularly performs with members of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and their Students. He has worked as church musician in many different Christian denominations and has experience working with choirs of various skill levels. Johnathan also is a piano instructor, teaching for Lewis Music Studio in South Fayette and additionally runs his own private studio from his home. To reach Johnathan, please email him at [email protected].

Darlene Fejka, Office Administrator
Darlene began her adventure at Ascension Church as the Office Administrator in October 2020. She proudly shares her wealth of experience in everything she does, from tending to myriad clerical and secretarial duties, to assembling Ascension’s newsletters and bulletins, to creating seasonal displays “and more.” A native of Youngstown, Ohio and graduate of Duquesne University, Darlene majored in Communications and has worked in that field at a number of places, including the Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh, where since 1998 she also serves as director of the Archeparchy’s choir. She and her husband Greg cantor at their church, St. Gregory of Nazianzus in Upper St. Clair; Darlene also serves the church as music ministry director. Enjoying and embracing their marriage adventure for 45 years, the Fejkas have three children, five grandchildren and nine furry ones to love. (Also, as she often remarks, “I love this job!”)
Darlene can be reached at [email protected]